Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Paris: The City of Light (English translation)

"The City of Light"

Description of geography
Paris is in the northern bend of the Seine River and includes two islands: Saint-Louis Island and Island of the city. Montmartre is the highest mountain in Paris at 130m (427ft). The geography of Paris is flat except for Montmartre. The city of Paris covers an area 86.928km2 (41 ff. mi.)

The Weather
In summer, Paris is warm. The high temperature is 25 degrees centigrade (77 degrees F) and the low temperature is 15 degrees centigrade (59 ° F). In the winter it is cold, from 3 degrees centigrade (37 ° F) to 8 degrees centigrade (47 ° F), but only a little hail. In autumn and spring, days are warm and nights are cold. It rains all year round and there is 642mm (25 in) of rain.

Why was it my choice?
I chose Paris because it is known for education and culture. Paris is the fashion capital of the world. A lot of designs come from Paris. I want to go to Paris. I must go to Paris because I want to see the centers of culture, museums, fashions, and business. I must learn the subjects of science and business. When I was a little girl, I wanted to see the great city of Paris. I'll go by flight from Orlando to Paris. I will go to Paris when I have the money. I will make a trip to see the science centers and business centers. I would go to Disney because I heard was fun. I would go to Paris in the spring or summer because the weather is very cold.

Paris: La Ville Lumière

«La Ville-Lumière»

Description de la géographie
Paris est dans le nord de flexion à l'arc de la Seine et comprend deux îles: Île Saint-Louis et Île de la cité. Montmartre est la plus haute colline dans paris aux 130m (427ft). La géographie du Paris est plate excepté pour Montmartre. La ville du Paris couvre une région de 86.928km2 (41 sq. mi).

Le Météo
En l’été, Paris est chaud. L’haute température est 25 degrés centigrades (77°F) et le base température est 15 degrés centigrades (59°F). En l'hiver, Il est froid, de 3 degrés centigrades (37°F) à 8 degrés centigrades (47°F), mais il grêle seulement un peu. En l'automne et au printemps les jours sont chauds et les nuits sont froides. Il pleut tout rond l’an et il y a 642mm (25 in) des pluies.

Pourquoi a été-ce mon choix
J’ai choisi Paris parce qu’il est connu pour l’éducation et la culture. Paris est une mode de la capitale du monde. Un beaucoup de dessins viennent de Paris. Je veux aller à Paris. Il faut que j’aille à paris parce que je veux voir les centres de la culture, les musées, les modes, et les affaires. Il faut que j’apprenne des sujets des sciences et des affaires. Quand j’étais une jeune fille, j’ai voulu voir la grande ville de Paris. J’irai par vol d’Orlando à Paris. J’irai à Paris quand j’ai l’argent. Je ferai un voyage voir les centres des sciences et les centres des affaires. J’irais à Disney parce que J'ai l’entendu à été amusant. J’irais à Paris au printemps ou en l’été parce que le temps n’est pas très froid.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Post-Christmas Day

So I started making my gown; cutting fabrics and all. However, this isn't about me or my elegance. It is about you and your future becoming. I hope everything that you wanted was received yesterday on that glorious vacation of Christmas. I hope you had a Happy or Merry Christmas which ever you prefer. Joyeux Noel as they say in France. I received parfums, a weekender bag, two dvds-flims, a pendant and stud earrings,pink fluffy bedroom slippers and cute culottes (panties [Thanks mum! for the slippers and panties]). Most of my perfums came from VS (that's Victoria Secret) for instance Cupquake...and Candy, Baby... but I really love the Hypnôse par Lancôme Paris. It smells, I would say distinguished like a business person -- an important business person at that. I would recommend buying some or asking for it as a gift because the smell is magnificent, better than myrrh... and frankinsense, though the gold would still be nice. It's nice and shiney, very malleable, It's so soft...I love gold. Anywho. Enjoy your evening.
Andie LaV

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pout Your lips and Go in for the Kill

Okay. The art of kissing is as difficult as it is to learn French to the American population. So learn to kiss passionately. Develope your lip muscles and use them a lot. Learn to pout when you talk and emphasize everything you say with your hands and facial expressions. Not only will you look more engaged, but you will not actually have to be listening. Anyway back to the point of this blog -- Kissing. Kissing,Kissing...kissing. Are you ready? Pout your lips. Now release. Pout, and release. Do that in your mirror and become comfortable with your beautiful lips. Who cares if they are too thin or too big? Or even too perfect like mine? No one cares about their size except you. So realize your lips are the best and everyone wants to kiss them. They are soft, lucious, and beautiful. So pout for for me again. Good. I love your pout. Now that we have pouted enough, it is time to find a partner who actually enjoys kissing -- this should not be too difficult; most people like kissing. Start slow. Then you build and you build to reach that climax. At this point start integrating your arms -- hold each other -- and the hands -- caress each other. Love each other and make it seem like you have been dying for this moment and its finally yours. After the kiss there is no telling what may happen, but come what may and keep kissing passionately.
Always smile. Keep smiling. Have a laugh.


Be a Little Illusionist

Femme fatales are not known for being magicians, but it would be nice to have a little party trick to keep lovers and friends entertained. You do not need to know how to levitate or turn water into wine. Just know something "cool" that will dazzle those around you.
For instance you can try this:

or this:

or even this:

Have a beautiful day and stay fatale.
La Femme,
Andie LaV

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lou Frey Institute

Alright so today I spent my day at UCF, University of Central Florida for those who don not know, and I would like to make an important point. Femme fatales need all of the knowledge of the past but must also acquire the knowledge of today.
Lou Frey Institute of Politics & Government is an establishment that wants to "promote the development of enlightened, responsible, and actively engaged citizens." So it is safe to say this institute was brought about to educate and enlighten those in need of being enlightened with knowledge on current events. It is a discussion and a debate in one. During this event one can be encouraged to gain civic and political skills. The conclusions drawn from this event are devised through research, analysis, advocacy, and synergy.
This Symposium was about Florida's Space Program. People want to know where Space and beyond is in Florida's future. Today's symposium speakers were Senator Bill Nelson, Rep. Suzanne Kosmas, Frank DiBello, Randy Berridge, Dr. John Adams, Dr. Leslie Molony, and Dr. Jeffrey Alexander.
An overview of what was spoken about was the space program. Senator Bill Nelson spoke heavily of the policy gridlock and how difficult policy making is due to the lack of coinciding or compromising with each other. Nonetheless, the NASA bill was passed unanimously during through this gridlock. It will be put through to the house this coming Wednesday or Thursday... Senator Nelson spoke of human nature. It is human nature to want to expand, explore, etc., and as humans we have done this. He mentioned generations advancing constantly and consistently. So he asked "What do we do next?" He said we should press on like our ancestry and push toward space. We should "solve the mystery of the universe". With the Space Program 10,000 jobs were created. With the Space Program medical equipment was created. So with that knowledge, President Obama wants to increase the funding of the Space Program by giving an additional $6 billion dollars. The bill passed was known as Cancel Constellation. Despite it's name it was not intended to cancel the Space Program just restructure it. Instead of working hard to go to the Moon our next target is Mars. The Space Program was extended from 2015 to 2020. The higher investment in Space Program will create a minimum of 2000 jobs. The government is looking for commercial industries to create technology that will allow us, the people, to fly commercially to and fro the Moon. The new goal is to ultimately "wander the stars" and make lives better everywhere with new technology.
After Senator Bill Nelson rushed off to the airport Congresswoman Suzanne Kosmas was introduced in the next discussion line-up. She wanted to preserve America's leadership in Space Program or Space Exploration Global competition. She reiterated the importance of both jobs and the economy, which included global economy. We are in high demand for higher skilled and most educated, especially in engineering. In Florida we actually have the highest skilled and most educated engineers in the nation. Programs should be further extended, according to Kosmos. The next and possibly last shuttle launches are in November, February, and June. A constant reiteration was of diversifying the economy, using alternate energy sources and getting rid of the use of fossil fuels, and science, technology, and mathematics for job future. Energy independence was a largely stated issue by Kosmas. Small businesses receiving tax breaks and incentives to aid them as well as diversifying the industry through the creation of small businesses was very important. We are in a new era which yields diversification and synergy.
Next was Frank DiBello. He spoke of the approximately 5,000 jobs lost during the recession. He then spoke of the global revenue made in 1987 commercially was significantly more revenue then what was generated by the government. Even with just satellites, many other nations have the equipment, intelligence, and even the funds to put these objects in space. In the market, DiBello called for diversification and vertical integration of the supply chain. Business environment must be strengthened and partnerships must be built. he mentioned the importance of the International Space Station, ISS. The ISS, he said, is a "key central Florida research asset". How will the Space Program get us out of recession? The answer to that question was the Space Program will save and create jobs, have the opportunity to save workforce by diversity, commercial industries will create profit, and new businesses will save and create jobs that help minimize the economic downturn. The trip to Mars by the Plasma Rocket, a rocket that would get to Mars in 39 days instead of the 10 months, would not be possible is NASA was refused funding. Another system that could be created through more funding to NASA is the Reusable System, which would research efficient uses of materials and develop methods of reusing such materials. With the current status of funding NASA only received $19 billion dollars; one half of one percent(1/2 of 1%). NASA received less funding than what is spent on pizza and gum alone.
Dr. Leslie Molony was next to the podium. She spoke on the research that has been aided by the Space Program. She talked of high impact diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, etc. She said with technologies, such as robotics, we can work swifter to find cures. We can find cures with technology by screening one million compounds daily and keeping 7000 or more compound database. Capitalization on pharmaceutical industries is needed and we must shift away from high-risk basic research. Innovation and entrepreneurship are key.
Fast-talker, Mr. Randy Berridge, spoke on Florida High Tech. Corridor Council, FHTCC. this company promotes high-tech industries and innovation through. The structure of this company includes a council, core team, committees, and 500 plus volunteers. The areas of interest within this are sustainable energy, nanotechnology, synergy and networking.
Dr. John Adams mentioned how the people from the past do not understand what is going on today and the people in the future will not understand what is going on today as well as we do now. Florida is the 3rd largest state and its economy is 15th or 17th largest in the nation. Florida has to have a public-private partnership, key economic development and business issues, performance based contract, and a road map. Competition is everywhere. It is no longer town by town, city by city, or state by state. Competition is international. The strategic plan should be to build talent, ensure business climate competitiveness, promote sustainable development, invest in Florida's innovation economy, enhance state as a pre-eminent global hub - have people travel in space through us-, and accelerate economic diversity. The need to create jobs through entrepreneurship and using resources to get jobs and grow companies is increasingly important. Diversifying the economy, bettering yourself, and commercialization are three very important aspects.
Dr. Jeffrey Alexander began with this essential question:"Where do we go from here?". He showed a PowerPoint quoting two inspirational men: John von Nuemann and "Yogi" Berra. His speech dealt with economics and challenges that are made when diversification does not take place. Talent and Knowledge should support diversification. Another essential question was brought up: "Which is more important economy or jobs?" The answer to this was both. Both are equally important. Low job skills can be gotten rid of and high quality jobs are important. A university education is one of the best investments, but it is possible to not go to university and still obtain a high-end job. Short-term goals and long term goals are important too. We must rely on the emergence and experimentation that foster innovation. It's good to start small, fail quickly, and pay attention to lessons learned. Identify local and specialized niche opportunities, evaluate local capabilities, and national and regional demand. Make little investments in support programs before laying down "big bets". Focus on growing new capabilities, before on preplanned re-skilling. Retraining is difficult and has had a history of failure. Entrepreneurship is key and should be promoted as well as instilling cultural change among aerospace engineers. The competences of the past will be obsolete.
I feel I this panel cleared up my knowledge of the change in the space program quite a bit. I can honestly say, I learned more about executing a business than anything else. It seems like many of the panelists were there to "sell" their business and not really explain how their business would contribute to Florida's economy. But nonetheless, I learned to network, expand, stay around smarter and more creative individuals, enjoy and be committed, work backwards, be personal-write personalized letters, say "Thank you", talk to people, multi-major, speak multiple languages-languages of knowledge included, expect the unexpected, and prepare to be flexible. Red flags in business are being self-centered, having to much ego, being inconsiderate, avoiding synergy, not cooperating, putting yourself first, labeling, avoiding discussion, and intolerance. Otherwise take opportunities to benefit you. Get to the heart of the matter. Be intuitive. ANALYZE. Develop human skills. Hire those smarter than you-find those who you would want to associate with, form a team, give direction, and let them go. A career is about doing what you love so if you love it you will work both hard and smart. Be passionate about your job so you can work both hard and smart. Do what you love the best way you can-work in a team if that helps. I also learned that if you like your job it would not be hard. A discussion on the difficulty of speaking was also sparked. Frey said for him speaking out about issues is not easier. His reasoning for this was he could not use notes. He had to go through it without much help. He also had to think about issues and speak about his views and beliefs on it. He feels jumping around changing sides is "stupid politics". I also learned to not be discouraged if a company does not want to accept my application into a position. Persistence is key though and people equal success. The market is also important and a persons skills must follow the market. So be creative, be flexible, provide opportunity, have connections, think outside the box, be honest, do not take it personally if you are not accepted and join a campaign and raise money.
The next Symposium is April 4th 2011-Hope to see you there! Andie

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Colette (Author)

Sidonie Gabrielle Colette was born the January 28th, 1873. She was born in Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye to Eugenie Sidonie Landoys, her mother, and Captain Jules-Joseph Colette, her father. He siblings were Juliet, Leopold and Achilles. She attended a school and received her elementary certificate and primary education degree in 1889. Colette moved to Chatillon-Colligny in 1891, after financial hardships.
May 15th, 1893 Colette married Henri Gauthier-Villars also known as Willy. During their marriage she frequented literary salons and many Parisian musicals. Colette had found out her husband had been cheating on her. So she and Gauthier-Villars split in 1906. The works that came from this period were articles in articles La Cocarde, le Gil Blas, La Vie heureuse, Le Mercure de France, La Vie parisienne, la Revue illustrée, Le Damier, Le Mercure musical, La revue théâtrale, Le Plaisir, Akademos, Comoedia, Fantasio, Paris-Théâtre, Le Nouveau Siècle. Other works including the Claudine series had also come out during this time. Those works were Claudine à l'école, Claudine à Paris, Claudine en ménage, Claudine s’en va, Minne, Gigi, Dialogues de Bêtes, and Mes apprentissages. Mes apprentissages was an autobiography that includes her learning of her husband’s affair.
After leaving her husband, Colette began pantomiming and worked in vaudeville after taken under the wing of Mathilde de Morny otherwise known as Missy. Colette and Missy for a time were romantically involved. In 1907, Rêve d'Égypte was pantomimed by the two at the Moulin Rouge. Colette had many affairs with women. Those women include Natalie Barney, Josephine Baker, and Gabriele D'Annunzio. After her affairs Colette became a journalist for “Le Matin” and December 19th 1912 she married Henry de Jouvenel. In 1923, after Colette in 1920 previously was named Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur, Henry de Jouvenel and Colette had separated. Some of the works that came from this period were L'Entrave, Mitsou, Chéri, La Chambre éclairée, Le Blé en herbe, La Fin de Chéri, Contes des mille et un matins, Duo, La Seconde, and Julie de Carneilhan.
Several years later, in 1928, Colette was promoted to officier de la Légion d'honneur. Colette was elected in the Royal Academy of French Language and Literature in Belgium on March 9th, 1935. April 3rd of the same year she married Maurice Goudeket. She travelled to the USA in 1935 and received the title commandeur de la Légion d'honneur en 1936. Works from this period include L'Enfant et les Sortilèges, La Naissance du jour, La Treille muscate, Le Toutounier, and Trois...Six...Neuf.
Colette was elected in 1945 to the l'Académie Goncourt (Goncourt Academy). She became president of the academy in 1949. As for her title, Colette had become grand officier de la Légion d'honneur. She was distinguished and received medal known as the la médaille du National Institute of Arts. She had also received letter from the Ambassador of the United States, Douglas Dillon.
On the 3rd of August, 1954 Colette passed away in her “Royal Palace” apartment. her funeral was made a national. The works that came from this point in her life time include: Journal à rebours, Paris de ma fenêtre, L'Étoile Vesper, and Le Fanal bleu.


Chéri (film)

Vous avez vu ce film, Chéri, Non? Well if you haven't seen that film, you should. It was a beautiful movie. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it.

It was about a young man, referred to as Chéri, who falls in love with an aging courtesan, Lea, who is the friend of his retired courtesan mother. This love has it's ups and downs. After spending many years with Lea, Chéri's mother forces him to marry a very young and beautiful bride, Edmée. With this Chéri becomes reclusive and begins running back between his his first love and his new wife. By the end of the film, Chéri is so torn by the fact that the woman he idolises is aging and the fact that he will have to take on adult responsibilities if he stays with his young wife that he befriends his old service revolver and puts one bullet into his brain.

I loved this movie. It is the 2009 version. I have yet to see the 1950s film adaptation or the television adaptations from 1962 and 1973. Anywho next blog is about the romance novelist, Colette. She was the brilliant mind who allowed this beautiful story to leak from her pen.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Femme Fatales: Update September 10, 2010

Femme Fatales know culture. We know music, art, literature. So, to aid in this I will be posting a many articles of famous women. Those including Cleopatra of Egypt, Delilah, Lilith, etc. We don't have to be a certain weight or class. We just have to be seductive in nature and use our feminine wiles to get where we are going. Trust me, you want to get where you're going. So brush up on famous people, know quotes, learn greetings and other phrases in other languages (I'll post some from different languages), and make life worthwhile.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Femme Fatales: Update Sept. 05, 2010

All right. Grace Kelly is not a femme fatale, but femme fatale's have a specic image to upkeep and she had it. She flaunted it, but was good at heart. Anyway, I will be posting biographies of other fashion icons and giving a brief history of femme fatale's. So stay tuned.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Grace Kelly

Beauty. Elegance. Words that can only describe one of the most photographed women in the 20th century. She had style. She had class. She symbolised this classic dress on and off screen.
Grace Kelly was born the 12th of November, 1929 in Philadelphia. She began travelling to Europe in 1947. A year later she entered the American Academy of Dramatic Art in New York. In 1949, Kelly had been working as a model. She made her debut on Broadway in The Father at Cort Theatre in New York. Her first television role was in Bethel Merriday in 1950. She had also signed a seven-year contract with MGM. From 1951 to 1956, Kelly had made a total of eleven films with the studio. Having Alfred Hitchcock, a British director, cast her unlocked her potential as a fashion icon. She was now able to play sophisticated and sensual female characters; the fact that she had previously been a model, aided in her abilities also. On and off screen Grace Kelly had a knack for style. She wore pieces such as shirt waist dresses and casual shirts and trousers. Not to mention the elegant gowns she frequented for special occasions. Her look was coined “The Grace Kelly Look” by retailers, while fans followed her style and grooming fashion.
May of 1955, while off in the south of France for the Cannes Film Festival Kelly met Prince Rainer III of Monaco. With a brief courtship, the couple was married the following year. Grace Kelly had often played upper class and royal characters on screen, but this was a new experience. After marriage, Grace Kelly gave up her career in acting. The last film she was featured in was of her wedding which was produced by MGM. Monaco law required a civil and religious ceremony; both conducted in perfect scrutiny of detail. Grace Kelly had completed her transformation from a fairytale princess into a real one.
Princess Grace took her role seriously. She was devoted to her new life and focused primarily on her family and charitable causes. She understood the need for clothes that were appropriate for her new position. She frequented the couture houses of Paris and became associated with the fashionable House of Christian Dior.
In 1957, the couple had their first child, Princess Caroline. Princess Grace had even visited Pope Pius XII. A year later her son, Prince Albert was born and she became the President of the Monaco Red Cross. Her love for charity reigned on especially in 1963 when she became the founding president of the Association Mondiale des Amis de L’Enfance. Two years later Princess Stephanie was born and so was the Princess Grace Foundation. In 1968, Grace took part in London-Birmingham Road Race. With her husband, she also inaugurated the Garden Club of Monaco.
By the seventies, Grace’s fashion had slightly changed, only enough to be in style, but keep her elegance. The International Festival of the Arts Gala at Royal Festival Hall was launched by her and Lord Mountbatten. In 1974, Prince Rainer III had his 25th Jubilee. Grace did not fail to attend the homage to Alfred Hitchcock in New York’s Lincoln Centre the simultaneous year. She then joined the board of 20th century Fox and performed her poetry reading at Edinburgh Festival in 1976. The following year she appeared as a narrator in The Children of Theatre Street. She participated in the Aldeburgh Festival in the United Kingdom. Soon after, she began her poetry reading tour around the United States. In 1979, she made a short film for International Bouquet Competition. A year later My Book of Flowers was published in the United States. Kelly continued her poetry reading well into 1981, at Chichester Festival. Princess Grace and Prince Rainer III had also celebrated their 25th anniversary that year. In 1982, Princess Grace was in a fatal car accident. She died the 14th of September at the age of 53.
Grace Kelly will always be remembered as a fashion icon. She had a classic sex appeal that many wish they could have today. She is remembered highly and admired deeply, even today. Books are published about her and people feel obligated to study her films. Grace Kelly – classic elegance that will never be forgotten.

“Our life dictates a certain kind of wardrobe. I think it is important to see the person first and the clothes afterwards.” – Grace Kelly


"I try to be Like Grace Kelly." - Grace Kelly by Mika

Friday, August 13, 2010

Welcome, Welcome. Please do sit down.

Welcome. Good day to all. I hope your lives are wonderful. I'm Andie. I don not act like other girls. I tend to get what I want. I'm unusually cheerful at times and completely dark at others. I would say I am day. I do not ask much from people. People just like to give me things. So, sit down and learn how to dress, eat, speak, and conduct yourself as a femme fatale.