Monday, September 27, 2010

Lou Frey Institute

Alright so today I spent my day at UCF, University of Central Florida for those who don not know, and I would like to make an important point. Femme fatales need all of the knowledge of the past but must also acquire the knowledge of today.
Lou Frey Institute of Politics & Government is an establishment that wants to "promote the development of enlightened, responsible, and actively engaged citizens." So it is safe to say this institute was brought about to educate and enlighten those in need of being enlightened with knowledge on current events. It is a discussion and a debate in one. During this event one can be encouraged to gain civic and political skills. The conclusions drawn from this event are devised through research, analysis, advocacy, and synergy.
This Symposium was about Florida's Space Program. People want to know where Space and beyond is in Florida's future. Today's symposium speakers were Senator Bill Nelson, Rep. Suzanne Kosmas, Frank DiBello, Randy Berridge, Dr. John Adams, Dr. Leslie Molony, and Dr. Jeffrey Alexander.
An overview of what was spoken about was the space program. Senator Bill Nelson spoke heavily of the policy gridlock and how difficult policy making is due to the lack of coinciding or compromising with each other. Nonetheless, the NASA bill was passed unanimously during through this gridlock. It will be put through to the house this coming Wednesday or Thursday... Senator Nelson spoke of human nature. It is human nature to want to expand, explore, etc., and as humans we have done this. He mentioned generations advancing constantly and consistently. So he asked "What do we do next?" He said we should press on like our ancestry and push toward space. We should "solve the mystery of the universe". With the Space Program 10,000 jobs were created. With the Space Program medical equipment was created. So with that knowledge, President Obama wants to increase the funding of the Space Program by giving an additional $6 billion dollars. The bill passed was known as Cancel Constellation. Despite it's name it was not intended to cancel the Space Program just restructure it. Instead of working hard to go to the Moon our next target is Mars. The Space Program was extended from 2015 to 2020. The higher investment in Space Program will create a minimum of 2000 jobs. The government is looking for commercial industries to create technology that will allow us, the people, to fly commercially to and fro the Moon. The new goal is to ultimately "wander the stars" and make lives better everywhere with new technology.
After Senator Bill Nelson rushed off to the airport Congresswoman Suzanne Kosmas was introduced in the next discussion line-up. She wanted to preserve America's leadership in Space Program or Space Exploration Global competition. She reiterated the importance of both jobs and the economy, which included global economy. We are in high demand for higher skilled and most educated, especially in engineering. In Florida we actually have the highest skilled and most educated engineers in the nation. Programs should be further extended, according to Kosmos. The next and possibly last shuttle launches are in November, February, and June. A constant reiteration was of diversifying the economy, using alternate energy sources and getting rid of the use of fossil fuels, and science, technology, and mathematics for job future. Energy independence was a largely stated issue by Kosmas. Small businesses receiving tax breaks and incentives to aid them as well as diversifying the industry through the creation of small businesses was very important. We are in a new era which yields diversification and synergy.
Next was Frank DiBello. He spoke of the approximately 5,000 jobs lost during the recession. He then spoke of the global revenue made in 1987 commercially was significantly more revenue then what was generated by the government. Even with just satellites, many other nations have the equipment, intelligence, and even the funds to put these objects in space. In the market, DiBello called for diversification and vertical integration of the supply chain. Business environment must be strengthened and partnerships must be built. he mentioned the importance of the International Space Station, ISS. The ISS, he said, is a "key central Florida research asset". How will the Space Program get us out of recession? The answer to that question was the Space Program will save and create jobs, have the opportunity to save workforce by diversity, commercial industries will create profit, and new businesses will save and create jobs that help minimize the economic downturn. The trip to Mars by the Plasma Rocket, a rocket that would get to Mars in 39 days instead of the 10 months, would not be possible is NASA was refused funding. Another system that could be created through more funding to NASA is the Reusable System, which would research efficient uses of materials and develop methods of reusing such materials. With the current status of funding NASA only received $19 billion dollars; one half of one percent(1/2 of 1%). NASA received less funding than what is spent on pizza and gum alone.
Dr. Leslie Molony was next to the podium. She spoke on the research that has been aided by the Space Program. She talked of high impact diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, etc. She said with technologies, such as robotics, we can work swifter to find cures. We can find cures with technology by screening one million compounds daily and keeping 7000 or more compound database. Capitalization on pharmaceutical industries is needed and we must shift away from high-risk basic research. Innovation and entrepreneurship are key.
Fast-talker, Mr. Randy Berridge, spoke on Florida High Tech. Corridor Council, FHTCC. this company promotes high-tech industries and innovation through. The structure of this company includes a council, core team, committees, and 500 plus volunteers. The areas of interest within this are sustainable energy, nanotechnology, synergy and networking.
Dr. John Adams mentioned how the people from the past do not understand what is going on today and the people in the future will not understand what is going on today as well as we do now. Florida is the 3rd largest state and its economy is 15th or 17th largest in the nation. Florida has to have a public-private partnership, key economic development and business issues, performance based contract, and a road map. Competition is everywhere. It is no longer town by town, city by city, or state by state. Competition is international. The strategic plan should be to build talent, ensure business climate competitiveness, promote sustainable development, invest in Florida's innovation economy, enhance state as a pre-eminent global hub - have people travel in space through us-, and accelerate economic diversity. The need to create jobs through entrepreneurship and using resources to get jobs and grow companies is increasingly important. Diversifying the economy, bettering yourself, and commercialization are three very important aspects.
Dr. Jeffrey Alexander began with this essential question:"Where do we go from here?". He showed a PowerPoint quoting two inspirational men: John von Nuemann and "Yogi" Berra. His speech dealt with economics and challenges that are made when diversification does not take place. Talent and Knowledge should support diversification. Another essential question was brought up: "Which is more important economy or jobs?" The answer to this was both. Both are equally important. Low job skills can be gotten rid of and high quality jobs are important. A university education is one of the best investments, but it is possible to not go to university and still obtain a high-end job. Short-term goals and long term goals are important too. We must rely on the emergence and experimentation that foster innovation. It's good to start small, fail quickly, and pay attention to lessons learned. Identify local and specialized niche opportunities, evaluate local capabilities, and national and regional demand. Make little investments in support programs before laying down "big bets". Focus on growing new capabilities, before on preplanned re-skilling. Retraining is difficult and has had a history of failure. Entrepreneurship is key and should be promoted as well as instilling cultural change among aerospace engineers. The competences of the past will be obsolete.
I feel I this panel cleared up my knowledge of the change in the space program quite a bit. I can honestly say, I learned more about executing a business than anything else. It seems like many of the panelists were there to "sell" their business and not really explain how their business would contribute to Florida's economy. But nonetheless, I learned to network, expand, stay around smarter and more creative individuals, enjoy and be committed, work backwards, be personal-write personalized letters, say "Thank you", talk to people, multi-major, speak multiple languages-languages of knowledge included, expect the unexpected, and prepare to be flexible. Red flags in business are being self-centered, having to much ego, being inconsiderate, avoiding synergy, not cooperating, putting yourself first, labeling, avoiding discussion, and intolerance. Otherwise take opportunities to benefit you. Get to the heart of the matter. Be intuitive. ANALYZE. Develop human skills. Hire those smarter than you-find those who you would want to associate with, form a team, give direction, and let them go. A career is about doing what you love so if you love it you will work both hard and smart. Be passionate about your job so you can work both hard and smart. Do what you love the best way you can-work in a team if that helps. I also learned that if you like your job it would not be hard. A discussion on the difficulty of speaking was also sparked. Frey said for him speaking out about issues is not easier. His reasoning for this was he could not use notes. He had to go through it without much help. He also had to think about issues and speak about his views and beliefs on it. He feels jumping around changing sides is "stupid politics". I also learned to not be discouraged if a company does not want to accept my application into a position. Persistence is key though and people equal success. The market is also important and a persons skills must follow the market. So be creative, be flexible, provide opportunity, have connections, think outside the box, be honest, do not take it personally if you are not accepted and join a campaign and raise money.
The next Symposium is April 4th 2011-Hope to see you there! Andie

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