Sunday, January 16, 2011

Beauty Pageants

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is...
Pageants-single most stupid way at making smart people feel unwanted. Okay my dress was not the best and my smile probably was not big enough, but I had the most confidence and I gained weight making atleast 200lbs before I entered. I learned that these things are not about how smart you are, but how skinny, pretty, and expensive the things you wear are. It really ruins people. These girls look like they starve themselves. They virtually will do anything to win. So I went out there divulging on the main aspects of my life school, school, and school. I talked a little about what I liked and I was confident. I didn't place. Before we found out who placed I was talking to my mother who was telling me how much she hates beauty pageants and how I should have came to her to have her help me sew my dress (which I did on several occasions), but most of all my mom being from England and offered a job to be a model and turned it down to become a Nurse -a much more noble profession- was talking non-stop about how the girls walked "funny". One girl especially, my mom asked "does that little one have something wrong with her legs; she was walking very weird?" I could do nothing, but laugh. Though that little one, with her awkward walk placed fourth. The country girl with her big hair and funny accent placed third. The stupid one who just wants to be a physical trainer placed second. And the teen Barbie model placed first. Sad, yes. All super skinny except the third place one. She was just lucky to be there. I'm going to go lose this weight for summer now. I can't stand being so fat any more.
Thank you,
Andie LaV
P.S. Here's a super great song to listen to when you feel down.

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